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Light Requirements: full sun/part shade

Soil Moisture: medium

Bloom Colors: blue, pink, red, white, yellow

Bloom Time: April thru October

Height: 1-4 ft. 

Plant of the Month Membership

Delivery begins May 2025
  • It can often feel daunting to think about creating a garden or changing the gardens you already have.  However, most of us can find time to plant one plant each month to bring more color, texture, an extended bloom period and beauty while also supporting the biodiversity in our garden. The Plant a Month Membership allows you to start, or continue adding, natives to your gardens at an easy pace.

    Each month you will recieve a native perennial species (see species list below) that will have a showy bloom during that month.  It's possible that the first year your plant will not be mature enough to bloom. 

    6 plants/6 species; one plant of each species.  Plants will be second year plants when available.  $50


    • Delivery/pickup  options
      • Within 10 miles of Ithaca
      • Scheduled pickup in Ithaca
      • Pickup any time at the nursery that month 
    • Information on your plant each month
    • Opportunity to return the pot from the previous month's delivery
    • Opportunity to include other Grow Wild purchases to your monthly delivery 

    Limited Memberships available. Preorder is encouraged.

    Delivery begins May 2025

    Plant list with links:

    May: Wild Columbine (Aquilegia canadensis)


    June: Golden Alexander (Zizia aurea) 


    July: Foxglove Beardtongue (Penstemon digitalis)


    August: Nodding Onion (Allium cernuum)


    September: Blue-stemmed or wreath goldenrod   (Solidago caesia) *Keystone species


    October: Smooth Blue Aster (Symphyotrichum laeve) *Keystone species


    Keystone species are critical species for holding an ecosystem in place. Keystone species can be any organism including plants, and Goldenrods and Asters are critical in supporting a healthy ecosystem in our region. According to the National Wildlife Fund keystone ecoregion maps, in our area goldenrods and asters support a surprising number of caterpillars that are essential for birds feeding their young and also pollinator specialists. Pollinator specialists have evolved to have a relationship with only a few or one plant species, like the monarch butterfly whose larvae can only eat milkweed species.

    Goldenrods in our region support 104 caterpillar species and 42 pollinator specialists bee species

    Asters in our region support 100 caterpillar species and 33 pollinator specialist bee species.

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