Light Requirements: full sun/part shade
Soil Moisture: medium
Bloom Color: purple
Bloom Time: July-October
Height: 7 ft.
Deer Resistant? Yes
Black Walnut tolerant? Not sure
Local Ecotype Seed? No
Tall Thistle (Cirsium altissimum)
I'm a native of New York state.
Many people don't seem to appreciate us much, but we benefit many bees, butterflies, moths and even hummingbirds. Goldfinches particularly enjoy our seeds.
I'm a biennial or short lived thistle and don't spread by rhizomes like many of my non-native kin. I will form a rosette the first year and then bloom the second year and usually die, but don’t worry, I make lots of seeds to help spread and to feed the birds.
I’m also not sharp and hurtful to touch.
My leaves have white undersides, which can distinguish me from non-native thistles who don’t share that trait.