You can watch your yard or property transformed from a wildlife food desert to a beautiful life supporting landscape for both you and the natural world.

Project 1 part 1
Restoring an Agricultural Field
18 acres of a long history of agricultural use is being converted to a more natural setting. Hundreds of trees have been planted to support the local wildlife, act as a wind, snow and visual screen for the home. Native species of trees and shrubs were planted in the spring of 2019 and 2020. Mulching to help hold moisture and mowing to keep existing field plants from shading out the young saplings. Cages were added to select trees to help keep the deer pressure down while they mature.

Project 1 part 2
Restoring an Agricultural field
18 acres of a long history of agricultural use is being converted to a more natural setting.
A section of the field and a strip along the new driveway were covered in tarps in the fall of 2019. The field section was planted with a native seed mix and the driveway strip was planted with seedlings the spring and summer of 2020. This is a new and ongoing project.

Project 2
Suburban grass lawn replaced with native and food plants.
This suburban yard was primarily grass and converted into a lawn free space focused primarily on native plants and perennial food plants of which many are native.